Books written and published by Cody C., M.Ed!

Ahoy!! I'm Cody. My pronouns are Cody/She/They/Goddess, I have a Masters in Education with a focus on Empowerment and Self-Actualization From a Foundation and Practice of Self-love. I believe in creating loving ways to educate and raise our children by developing caregiver self-love awareness and putting our values into action. My books share ways to put your unique values into action and offer ways to put Love Revolution values into action, such as: self-love and sovereign spirituality, wholistic sustainability and climate justice, removing the menstrual taboo and sex-ed, becoming subversive in our actions!!


Family Dynamics and Family Support Book

Empowerment and self-actualization from a foundation and practice of self-love. This book is for people caring for children, primary caregivers, that are interested in developing their awareness in order to interact with their families and children through intentional actions informed by their own values. This book is interactive and is filled with stories to inspire motivation and modeling the values you wish to impart on your child. There's information about childbirth, raising your child, ideas for family projects, ways to deepen your connection to your monthly cycles, and information on laying foundation for sex-ed conversations.

How to talk about sex with your kids

Guided joyful sex-ed conversations and projects for 0-8-year-olds. This book includes forward thinking about how to openly talk about sex-ed and remove the menstrual taboo in order to create celebration around menstruation and sexuality. This book includes guided questions and conversation topics to engage with your young children to prepare a foundation for consent, boundaries, open communication, celebrations, and exploration that can be built upon as they mature and start asking more complex questions. There are curriculum projects you can incorporate into the home or classroom to teach children the skills they will need later in life as their interests develop.

self-love parenting book

How parents can develop and model self-love to instill self-love in children. We have the ability to create a world free from oppression and full of love. Creating that world starts with developing self-love in both thoughts and actions. This book explores how to develop awareness and embodiment of self-love in primary caregivers and explores the effect primary caregivers’ self-love awareness and embodiment has on children’s self-love and resilience. How do we, as primary caregivers, become aware of, develop, embody, and model self-love? Through exploring the wholistic nature of self-love by defining self-love and verbalizing its different areas and subsections, self-loving becomes broken into daily choices and acts of love that we can choose and put into action. This book if full of tools for parenting with intentions of love and acts of love.


Menarche book!!

A journal full of information and prompts for first time menstruators to read, engage with, and fill out. It's a workbook and holds stories, artwork, words of empowerment, and menstrual information to help new bleeders learn menstrual self-care.. Perfect for someone about to get their first period, or as a present for someone's first period!!